Tuesday 7 January 2014

Santa Marta

2 January 2014

Minca, Colombia
This was the only fun I've had in or near Santa Marta. I met a group of three English girls, one Dutch guy and one Swiss guy at my hostel (Masaya) and we all took a Jeep out to the tiny village of Minca. There are a few hostels there with great views of the jungle, and two waterfalls between 40 mins and 1 hour walk from the town. We (Didi, Holly, Rahael (English), Peter (Dutch), Mark (Swiss) and me) walked for an hour to the falls. It was nearly all uphill on the way, and we were all sweating and being eaten alive. What a day to forget bug spray!
Our bag straps were dripping with sweat, and half of us were walking in thongs (flip-flops) on the rough dirt road. Occassionally a bike would pass us. I would Yell 'cheaters!!!' for not braving the heat and the hills like us. Hehe. Lucky most of them only spoke Spanish.
The wáter at the falls was freezing, but oh so welcome. I managed to rip my shirt in half trying to get it off after I got it soaking wet, so I had to walk back in a towel. Actually, I ended up walking around Santa Marta in a towel buying food for dinner (which later gave me food poisoning). I think the locals thought I was really weird. I got stares.
Sadly, my plan to go with Didi and Holly to Parque Tayrona the next day was squashed when I threw up all night. Oh well. They'll be visiting Sydney around the time I get back from overseas, so we'll catch up then. They are really excited about Mardi Gras for some reason...
As the rest of my trip has been full of vomiting, hot sleepless nights, hostel food thieves and staring locals, Minca is, so far, my only good memory of this place. Apparently Cartagena (my next stop) is even hotter. I just might cry!

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