Wednesday 1 January 2014


31 December 2013

Guatavita is a small town about 2.5 hours away from Bogota (actually, if you have a crazy bus driver like I did it's more like 2 hours. The town is all white walls and and old curved tile roofs. Don't go on a weekday, especially not new years eve, because it will be a ghost town! There's not much there except for the view - a lake 20km long and mountains in the background.

 The actual Laguna de Guatavita is famed as the site where El Dorado was, or near (the mythical city of gold). But all I saw was a great view and a very green lake. Pretty, but I'd have liked to see it without a guide monologuing for half an hour about it.

 One interesting thing I saw was a cow. It had an actual nose ring with a rope tied to it! The poor thing literally gets pulled around by the nose. It also did this crazy contortionist thing so it could lick its own behind. I've never seen a cow do that!

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